Monday, February 2, 2009


Question 1
Given all the improvements that have been completed, what is your feeling about the transportation system?
(Select one)
1. We’ve done a lot. Let’s wait a while to see how everything works.
2. We can’t afford to wait around. Let’s move on to the next step.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.

Question 2
Considering limited resources, local transit agencies should focus time, energy, and funds on which of the following: (Select one)
1. Transit service that accommodates people who typically don’t use the bus system such as contractors, families, dog owners, etc.
2. Transit service that gets the most people on the bus the most efficiently.

Question 3
Other than single occupancy vehicles, what user groups should we focus on to reduce traffic problems? (Select up to two)
1. School system
2. Large private employers
3. Tourists
4. Construction workers
5. Dog owners

Question 4
What do you think is the greatest physical contributor to “traffic problems” in the Aspen area? (Select one)
1. Not enough park and rides
2. S-curves
3. Roadway capacity (not enough vehicle lanes on Highway 82)
4. Not enough pedestrian/ bike connections
5. Lack of in-town parking
6. Lack of dedicated transit lanes from roundabout to 7th & Main.
7. Too much in-town parking

Question 5
Should we continue to limit traffic on Hwy 82 at the Castle Creek Bridge to 1993 levels? (Select one)
1. Yes, I support this goal
2. No, we need to limit traffic further
3. No, we need to stop limiting traffic
4. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
5. This doesn’t matter to me

Question 6
Aside from increased and improved transit services, how would you improve the operation of our transportation system? (Select up to three)
1. Expand paid parking
2. Traffic light timing and coordination
3. Car-share (a group using a pool of shared cars)
4. Financial incentives to businesses or individuals to encourage alternative transportation
5. Allow High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) to use new bus lanes
6. Additional or expanded Park and Rides
7. Increased carpooling or vanpooling

Question 7
In terms of parking, which scenario would you prefer? (Select one)
1. Parking should be limited in town with mass transit being the main option for getting into and around town.
2. There should be more parking available in town.

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