Monday, February 2, 2009

Sustaining the Aspen Idea

Question 1
Could you explain the Aspen Idea to someone who has never heard of it before? (Select one)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Kind Of

Question 2
When it comes to nurturing Mind, Body, Spirit, where has our community as a whole been most successful? (Select one)
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Spirit

Question 3
When it comes to nurturing Mind, Body, Spirit, I think the area that needs the most work in today’s Aspen is: (Select one)
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Spirit

Question 4
The Aspen Idea is: (Select one)
1. Lost in today’s society
2. Alive and well in Aspen
3. No longer what it used to be but still there
4. A John Denver song

Question 5
I would participate in arts and culture events more, if… (Select up to two)
1. They didn’t cost so much
2. I didn’t have to volunteer to attend
3. Locations were more convenient
4. Times were more convenient
5. I didn’t have to work so much
6. There weren’t a language/cultural barrier
7. The events were more relevant to me
8. It didn’t feel elitist
9. I participate, this is not an issue for me

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