Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Environmenral Quality small group meeting

Yesterday the city and county hosted a small group meeting on the Environmental Quality chapter in the Aspen Area Community Plan. Some highlights from the discussion include:

  • Make sure regulatory barriers to installing solar panels and other alternative energy methods are eliminated.
  • Strive for aggressive goals around reducing our energy consumption.
  •  Educate the public on the Noxious Weed Act and strictly enforce it in the UGB.
Check out all the comments at:  and leave your comments here.

Parks, Recreation, Open Space & trails Small Group Meeting

Yesterday the city and county hosted a small group meeting on the Parks, Recreation, Open Space, & Trails chapter in the Aspen Area Community Plan. Some highlights from the discussion include:

  • Promote bikes as a form of transportation in the winter.
  • Ensure there is adequate funding for trails, parks, recreation, and open space.
  • Ensuring recreation facilities are affordable is a priority
Check out all the comments at:  and leave your comments here.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yesterday, the city and county hosted a small group meeting on the Managing Growth & Economic Sustainability Chapter in the Aspen Area Community Plan. Some highlights include:

  • Any pacing system should be carefully explored before implemented. Some felt a better construction management system was the way to go, while others felt a full construction pacing system was needed.
  • House sizes should not be reduced in the City or County.
  • Explore diversification of our economy - we can't just be based on tourism. Look to green industries, etc.
Check out all the comments at:

If you'd like to make additional comments, please comment here, or come to our next meeting on Managing Growth on Thursday October 21st from 12 - 1:30 in Sister Cities.

Small Group Meeting on Transportation

Last week, the city and county hosted a small group meeting on the Transportation chapter in the Aspen Area Community Plan. Some highlights include:

  • Explore an aerial connection as part of our transportation system.
  • Provide amenities in buses and at bus stations to help increase bus usage.
  • Ensure we are getting good, reliable data for transportation decisions.
Check out all the comments at:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Small Group Meeting on Historic Preservation and the Aspen Idea

Yesterday, the city and county hosted a small group meeting on the Historic Preservation and Aspen Idea Chapters in the Aspen Area Community Plan. Some highlights include:

  • Ensure we are engaging the entire community is Aspen's Story.
  • Historic Preservation should consider open spaces and landscapes, not just buildings.
  • The public sector should be a leader in Historic Preservation and should lead by example.
Check out all the comments at:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Small Group Meetings Begin with Lifelong Aspenite Chapter

Yesterday, the City and County held the first of 11 small group meetings on the update to the Aspen Area Community Plan. This meeting focused on the "Planning for a Lifelong Aspenite" chapter.

Some highlights from the discussion include:
  • The plan should include regional solutions to health and human service gaps.
  • There needs to be more clarification on what services are provided by the government, and what is provided by the community at large.
  • The regulatory obstacles to personal agriculture, composting, greenhouses, etc should be eliminated.
  • Clearly define the terms used, including: "at-risk," "access," and "comprehensive."
If you have comments about the chapter, please post them here. The full comments can be found on-line at