Thursday, May 28, 2009

Environmental Quality - Goal 8 with Action Items

8. Energy: Reduce the carbon footprint of the Aspen Area.
a. Energy from the City Utility will be from 100% renewable sources.
b. Reduce the community-wide carbon footprint by 30% from 2004 levels through increased use of renewable energy combined with energy efficiency in the public and private sectors.
c. Reduce electricity and natural gas usage in the urban growth boundary by 15% from 2004 levels.
d. The City and County will provide Aspen area residents (full and part-time) with voluntary ways to reduce their personal carbon footprints by 30% from 2004 levels.
e. Explore reducing energy use in our existing building stock by creating a “Clean Energy Financing District” that would allow government bonding of residential and commercial energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. This “loan” would be attached to the building’s property tax assessment to be paid back over time.
f. Explore the creation of a “Construction Carbon Mitigation Program” to address the energy impacts from the construction and operation of new buildings within the Aspen Area.


Unknown said...

Review of Energy - Exhibit B, Para 8, Sec c, states

reduce natural gas usage One way to reduce natural gas usage is to encourage electric use privately (and demand it in new or retrofits of publically funded buildings) where the end user can’t decipher the difference such as in household heat, clothes dryers, hot water heaters, and ovens.

Suggestion by Bert

Unknown said...

Review of Energy - Exhibit B, Para 8, Sec b, c and d, states

reduce 30 percent from 2004 levels

why not 30 percent from 2009 levels rather than 2004 levels?

Suggestion by Bert

Unknown said...

Review of Energy - Exhibit B, Para 8, Sec c, states

reduce natural gas usage

One way to reduce natural gas usage is to encourage electric use privately (and demand it in new or retrofits of publically funded buildings) where the end user can’t decipher the difference such as in household heat, clothes dryers, hot water heaters, and ovens.

Suggestion by Bert