Friday, February 20, 2009

Community Vision for the Aspen Area Available

A first-draft of the Community Vision for the Aspen Area is now available at On the site you will see that the document is divided into two sections: The Executive Summary, and the Community Vision for the Aspen Area.

Please feel free to use this blog to submit any comments and suggestions you may have as you read the document.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Large Group Meeting Questions

Recently, more than 450 people participated in large group meetings on January 27 and 31, using instant voting "clickers" to register their position on more than 70 questions covering 10 topics. The results are available at

The questions were derived from a series of small group meetings held in October and November, attended by 174 adults and almost 40 high school students from Karen Greene's civic class. The small group meetings were not intended to produce a consensus, but to express a range of goals and visions to be evaluated at the large group meetings.

Below, you will find all of the questions asked at these large community meetings. They are arranged by topic:
  • Demographic/Warm-up Questions
  • Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trail
  • Environmental Quality
  • Housing
  • Economics
  • Historic Preservation
  • Managing Growth
  • Sustaining the Aspen Idea
  • Planning for the Lifelong Aspenite
  • AABC
  • Transportation

Please, feel free to answer the questions by leaving a comment after each topic.

Demographic/Warm-up Questions

Question 1
Where do you live?
1. “Innie” – inside of the Roundabout
2. “Outie” – outside of the Roundabout as far as the Airport/AABC
3. “Far Outie” – I live past the Airport/AABC

Question 2
I am:
1. Male
2. Female

Question 3
I am:
1. Under 20
2. 20-24
3. 25-34
4. 35-44
5. 45-54
6. 55-64
7. 65-74
8. 75+

Question 4
I live in:
1. Aspen – Full Time
2. Aspen – Part Time
3. Pitkin County – Full Time
4. Pitkin County – Part Time
5. Snowmass Village
6. Basalt/Carbondale/Glenwood Springs
7. Other

Question 5
I’ve lived in the Roaring Fork Valley for:
1. 3 years or less
2. 3-5 years
3. 6-10 years
4. 11-20 years
5. 21 or more

Question 6
What does “sense of community” mean to you?
(Select up to three)
1. People look you in the eyes and say “hi” on the street, in the post office.
2. A small town where people live and work together and respect each other.
3. I enjoy the community of families centered around local schools.
4. Not needing to lock your house or car, feeling safe in my everyday life.
5. People are involved though volunteerism or in other ways.
6. People from all walks of life share my values.
7. There are special “locals places” where I enjoy hanging out and seeing people I know.

Question 7
Which of the following do you think is missing in the Aspen area community? (Select up to three)
1. People look you in the eyes and say “hi” on the street, in the post office.
2. A small town where people live and work together and respect each other.
3. I enjoy the community of families centered around local schools.
4. Not needing to lock your house or car, feeling safe in my everyday life.
5. People are involved though volunteerism or in other ways.
6. People from all walks of life share my values.
7. There are special “locals places” where I enjoy hanging out and seeing people I know.

Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails

Question 1
What are two aspects of open space that are most important to you? (Select two)
1. Passive recreation (i.e. picnicking)
2. Trails
3. Bio-Diversity/wildlife preservation
4. Natural beauty
5. It defines the edge of town
6. Creates access to public lands
7. Other, my choice isn’t here

Question 2
What are two aspects of parks that are most important to you? (Select two)
1. Active recreation (i.e. ballfields, organized sports)
2. Trails
3. Bio-Diversity (i.e. urban wetlands)
4. Place to take my dog
5. Relief from urban feel
6. Special Events (i.e. Ruggerfest, Food and Wine)
7. Other, my choice isn’t here

Question 3
In terms of purchasing land, which of the following is your top priority? (Select one)
1. Trails
2. Open Space
3. Playing fields
4. Neighborhood parks
5. We’ve bought enough
6. Other, my choice isn’t here

Question 4
In terms of Aspen’s recreation facilities, which of the following statements best reflects your opinion? (Select one)
1. I’m satisfied with the existing facilities and range of recreational options. We can work with what we have.
2. We need to focus on the expansion and creation of new recreation facilities to meet future needs.

Question 5
If the City were to expand its recreation facilities, which of the following would you be MOST excited about? (Select one)
1. Indoor Tennis
2. Expanded fitness facility
3. Multi-use gymnasium (basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, etc.)
4. Expanded climbing facilities
5. None of the above, this isn’t important to me
6. Other, my choice isn’t here

Environmental Quality

Question 1
If you only had enough funds to work on improving one of the following, which would you focus on? (Select one)
1. Air Quality
2. River Water Quality
3. Development of New Renewable Energies (i.e. solar power, geo-thermal, etc.)
4. Recycling
5. Energy Conservation

Question 2
Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley should diversify the economy to become a center for innovation in green design, energy efficiency, renewable technologies, and national environmental policies. (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough about this to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 3
In order to improve the environment, I would support the following government actions: (Select up to three)
1. Mandatory recycling
2. Higher taxes to support environmental initiatives
3. Limit the number of special events to reduce driving and air travel
4. Limit the amount I can expand my home
5. Build UP instead of OUT
6. Require development to meet stricter environmental standards
7. I’m not willing to support any of these actions

Question 4
In order to improve the water quality of the Roaring Fork River, I am willing to support the following: (Select up to two)
1. Fewer surface parking spaces
2. Limiting the size of my home (i.e. smaller building footprint)
3. Limiting future commercial development (i.e. smaller building footprint)
4. Converting some areas of neighborhood parks to wetlands
5. Less sanding of streets in winter
6. Less washing of streets in summer
7. All of the above
8. None of the above


Question 1
In terms of affordable housing, what does “quality” mean to you? (Select up to three)
1. Energy efficient appliances
2. Units with more living space than the average affordable housing unit
3. Attractive exterior design
4. High quality interior finishes
5. Basic amenities, such as storage
6. Place to park my car
7. Not hearing my neighbor sneeze
8. Durable Materials

Question 2
Which of the following statements do you agree with the most, regarding future affordable housing development? (Select one)
1. We should spend the money needed to design quality units.
2. We should spend the money to house as many people as possible.

Question 3
Which of the following statements do you agree with the most? (Select one)
1. We should use our housing program to create a balanced community, with a range of incomes and ages.
2. We should use our housing program to respond primarily to the workforce demand.

Question 4
Given that there are limited resources, which statement do you agree with more? (Select one)
1. Working residents should be able to retire in their affordable housing units.
2. We need the housing for young families and young people.

Question 5
A ranking system that favors essential employees (such as teachers, firefighters, nurses, police etc.) over other kinds of employees should be created for public affordable housing. (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough about this to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Which of the following statements do you agree with the most? (Select one)
1. Future affordable housing should be in the town side of the S-curves.
2. I support affordable housing outside of the S-curves, up to and including the Aspen Airport Business Center.
3. I support both 1 and 2. It should be built anywhere in the Aspen area.
4. We don’t need any additional affordable housing.


Question 1
If the downtown is the place where first-time visitors form their impression of the City’s identity – are you generally satisfied with the feeling that is created by our mix of retail stores? (This is not about the visual aesthetics of the downtown.) (Select one)
1. Very Satisfied, I wouldn’t change a thing
2. Satisfied, it’s OK with me
3. Not satisfied, I don’t like the impression we make
4. Totally unsatisfied, I’m embarrassed when friends visit for the first time

Question 2
Aspen needs more small shops with unique local merchandise and fewer high-end shops. (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 3
I believe the escalating price of land and rents in the downtown area poses a threat to essential businesses that provide day-to-day necessities, such as pharmacy, gas, dry cleaning, pet store, convenience store, etc. I think … (Select one)
1. This is not a real problem.
2. It’s a problem, but the local business community should solve it.
3. Local government should continue to explore this issue.
4. Local government should make it a top priority.
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.
6. This does not matter to me.

Question 4
Considering that there are retail options down valley, on the internet, and in Denver, I am satisfied with the retail options in the Aspen area (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 5
We should encourage the creation of gathering places and businesses that cater to younger generations to enjoy the downtown, including nightlife.
(Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 6
Let’s talk about price of lodging. Which statement do you agree with most? (Select one)
1. This is a world class resort, so we should focus on deluxe accommodations.
2. We need to focus on inexpensive lodges that provide a place for the next generation of ski bums to discover Aspen.
3. I don’t think prices are a problem.

Question 7
If a lodge can’t be both small and affordable, which statement do you agree with the most? (Select one)
1. We should try to preserve small lodges with unique character, even if they are expensive.
2. We should encourage less expensive lodging, even if the buildings need to be larger.

Historic Preservation

Question 1
Historic preservation is important to me (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion

Question 2
Historic preservation is vital to Aspen as a community, and as a taxpayer I would be willing to support it through a new dedicated public fund. (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 3
In order to illustrate Aspen’s history, I think it is important to preserve structures from Aspen’s Post-War history, such as European chalets, and modernism. (Select one)
1. Yes, it’s important for our history.
2. Yes, but only the most superb buildings.
3. No, I’m not convinced yet.
4. No, we’ve preserved enough.
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.
6. This does not matter to me.

Question 4
In terms of the interiors of historic publicly accessible buildings, which best describes your position: (Select one)
1. I believe that interiors that truly reflect the time period they were built should be designated.
2. I do not believe the City should be in the business of designating the inside of buildings, even if they are publicly accessible. Exterior preservation is good enough.

Managing Growth

Question 1
Do you think there are too many people in Aspen? (Select one)
1. Yes
2. Sometimes, but I can live with it
3. No

Question 2
Should there be an annual limit on the number of homes that are demolished and replaced? (Select one)
1. Yes
2. No
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion

Question 3
With regard to the growing trend of demolishing and replacing existing homes, what concerns you the most?
(Select one)
1. It doesn’t really bother me
2. The greater size of the new homes
3. The waste of environmental resources
4. The pace and overall construction impacts
5. The fact that many are converted from local’s housing to 2nd homes
6. I don’t know enough to have an opinion

Question 4
For Aspen neighborhoods, like the West End and Cemetery Lane, which statement do you agree with the most?
(Select one)
1. Our residential neighborhoods are seeing larger houses that don’t reflect my vision for the Aspen Area.
2. I agree that homes are getting larger and our neighborhoods are changing, but they are evolving in a way that I can live with.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
4. This does not matter to me

Question 5
For the surrounding county neighborhoods, like Red Mountain and Mountain Valley, which statement do you agree with the most? (Select one)
1. Our residential neighborhoods are seeing larger houses that don’t reflect my vision for the Aspen Area.
2. I agree that homes are getting larger and our neighborhoods are changing, but they are evolving in a way that I can live with.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
4. This does not matter to me

Question 6
Regardless of the pace of growth or the type of growth (assuming there will be some growth in the future) where should growth occur? (Select up to three)
1. The core commercial areas – from the river to the mountain.
2. The neighborhoods surrounding the core commercial areas.
3. The traditional lodging area – base of the mountain.
4. The Buttermilk/AABC area.
5. Downvalley from the airport.
6. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
7. This does not matter to me

Question 7
Which statement do you agree with the most?
(Select one)
1. We need to grow and redevelop to reach my vision for the community.
2. We can reach my community vision by changing the uses of existing buildings rather than building additional structures.
3. When we grow and redevelop, we get further away from my community vision.

Question 8
I would place the most growth restrictions on the following kinds of development:
(Select up to four)
1. Free market housing
2. Affordable housing
3. Larger lodging units
4. Smaller lodging units
5. Tourist-oriented retail space
6. Day-to-day retail services (basics, essentials)
7. Office space
8. Public/Institutional
9. Arts and cultural facilities
10. Let the market decide

Question 9
I would place the fewest restrictions on the following kinds of development: (Select up to four)
1. Free market housing
2. Affordable housing
3. Larger lodging units
4. Smaller lodging units
5. Tourist-oriented retail space
6. Day-to-day retail services (basics, essentials)
7. Office space
8. Public/Institutional
9. Arts and cultural facilities
10. Let the market decide

Question 10
Some like the idea of more people living in affordable housing in the downtown area, and some like to see more businesses that serve year-round residents. If I had to choose between them, I’d prefer to see the most space set aside for: (Select one)
1. Affordable housing
2. Businesses that serve year-round residents
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
4. This does not matter to me

Question 11
I believe that if there is more affordable housing in the Aspen area … (Select one)
1. The free market will provide more businesses that serve year-round residents.
2. It doesn’t matter. High rents make it difficult to open businesses that serve local residents.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
4. This does not matter to me

Planning for the Lifelong Aspenite

Question 1
Working residents should have a reasonable expectation to retire here with affordable and accessible
support services. (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 2
In terms of long-term senior care, which statement do you most agree with?
(Select one)
1. Seniors can find a way to take care of themselves privately in their own home.
2. We should focus on public services, like nutrition, transportation, and home care services.
3. We should focus on building additional long-term senior housing facilities in town.
4. We can rely on other communities to provide long-term living facilities for seniors.

Question 3
In terms of educational opportunities at CMC, which statement most closely represents your opinion? (Select one)
1. CMC provides comprehensive continuing education opportunities.
2. I’d like to see CMC provide a broader range of classes in order to meet my needs.
3. CMC doesn’t meet all my needs, but other cultural and educational programs do.
4. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.
5. This issue is not important to me.

Question 4
I am most satisfied with the quality of the following in Aspen’s schools: (Select up to two)
1. Educational performance
2. Facilities
3. Faculty
4. Sports programs
5. Support services
6. Transportation program
7. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
8. This does not matter to me

Question 5
If there are limited resources for child care, what would you focus on?
1. New facilities to increase capacity
2. Additional subsidies for lower income families
3. Higher quality child care programs
4. Increased staff support to reduce turn over
5. Stipend to allow a parent to stay at home
6. I don’t know enough about this issue
7. This issue doesn’t matter to me

Question 6
How would you prioritize subsidies to users of the waiting list for publicly subsidized Aspen child care facilities in Aspen? (Rank up to Three)
1. People who live in Aspen
2. People who commute to work in Aspen
3. First on the list, first served
4. Lowest income served first
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This issue is not important to me

Question 7
In terms of health care services available in the Aspen area, which most closely represents your opinion? (Select one)
1. All health care services should be available and affordable in the Aspen area, including specialized services.
2. Services in the most demand should be in the
Aspen area, but specialized services can be
offered regionally.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.
4. This issue is not important to me.

Question 8
Knowing there are limited resources, what should be our top priority?
(Select up to two)
1. Substance Abuse
2. Mental Health
3. Youth and Family Services
4. Senior Support Services
5. Access to Low Cost Health Care
6. Access to Low Cost Legal Aid
7. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
8. This issue is not important to me

Question 9
People who don’t live in Aspen, including our commuting workforce, part time residents, and tourists, are a vital part of our community. (Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree

Sustaining the Aspen Idea

Question 1
Could you explain the Aspen Idea to someone who has never heard of it before? (Select one)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Kind Of

Question 2
When it comes to nurturing Mind, Body, Spirit, where has our community as a whole been most successful? (Select one)
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Spirit

Question 3
When it comes to nurturing Mind, Body, Spirit, I think the area that needs the most work in today’s Aspen is: (Select one)
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Spirit

Question 4
The Aspen Idea is: (Select one)
1. Lost in today’s society
2. Alive and well in Aspen
3. No longer what it used to be but still there
4. A John Denver song

Question 5
I would participate in arts and culture events more, if… (Select up to two)
1. They didn’t cost so much
2. I didn’t have to volunteer to attend
3. Locations were more convenient
4. Times were more convenient
5. I didn’t have to work so much
6. There weren’t a language/cultural barrier
7. The events were more relevant to me
8. It didn’t feel elitist
9. I participate, this is not an issue for me

Aspen Airport Business Center (AABC)

Question 1
In 20 years, the Airport Business Center (AABC) should have: (Select one)
1. A focus on residential development
2. A balance of residential and
commercial/office/light industrial
3. A focus on commercial/office/light industrial
4. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
5. This does not matter to me

Question 2
What level of growth are you willing to see along the Highway 82 corridor between the roundabout and the airport if there are no substantial improvements to today’s transportation system?
1. Much more than exists today
2. A little bit more than exists today
3. About the same rate as today
4. There should be no new growth in this area
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 3
What level of growth are you willing to see along the Highway 82 corridor between the roundabout and the airport if there are substantial improvements to today’s transportation system?
1. Much more than exists today
2. A little bit more than exists today
3. About the same rate as today
4. There should be no new growth in this area
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 4
What level of growth are you willing to see along the Highway 82 corridor between the roundabout and the airport if there are no substantial improvements to today’s transportation system? (Select one)
1. Much more than exists today
2. A little bit more than exists today
3. About the same rate as today
4. There should be no new growth in this area
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 5
What level of growth are you willing to see along the Highway 82 corridor between the roundabout and the airport if there are substantial improvements to today’s transportation system? (Select one)
1. Much more than exists today
2. A little bit more than exists today
3. About the same rate as today
4. There should be no new growth in this area
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 6
An increased number of lodging units should be built in the area between the Airport/AABC and the roundabout to provide more lodging options in the Aspen Area.
(Select one)
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Disagree
4. Strongly disagree
5. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
6. This does not matter to me

Question 7
Most of the AABC is one to two stories in height. Are you willing to accept one additional story at the AABC? (Select one)
1. Yes
2. No
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
4. This does not matter to me

Question 8
The public can currently access government services for both the City of Aspen and Pitkin County in Downtown Aspen. In terms of the location of government services, which statement do you agree with the most? (Select one)
1. Pitkin County government services should remain in the downtown as they have been historically.
2. Pitkin County government services should be located outside of Aspen in the AABC area to serve the county wide population.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.


Question 1
Given all the improvements that have been completed, what is your feeling about the transportation system?
(Select one)
1. We’ve done a lot. Let’s wait a while to see how everything works.
2. We can’t afford to wait around. Let’s move on to the next step.
3. I don’t know enough to have an opinion.

Question 2
Considering limited resources, local transit agencies should focus time, energy, and funds on which of the following: (Select one)
1. Transit service that accommodates people who typically don’t use the bus system such as contractors, families, dog owners, etc.
2. Transit service that gets the most people on the bus the most efficiently.

Question 3
Other than single occupancy vehicles, what user groups should we focus on to reduce traffic problems? (Select up to two)
1. School system
2. Large private employers
3. Tourists
4. Construction workers
5. Dog owners

Question 4
What do you think is the greatest physical contributor to “traffic problems” in the Aspen area? (Select one)
1. Not enough park and rides
2. S-curves
3. Roadway capacity (not enough vehicle lanes on Highway 82)
4. Not enough pedestrian/ bike connections
5. Lack of in-town parking
6. Lack of dedicated transit lanes from roundabout to 7th & Main.
7. Too much in-town parking

Question 5
Should we continue to limit traffic on Hwy 82 at the Castle Creek Bridge to 1993 levels? (Select one)
1. Yes, I support this goal
2. No, we need to limit traffic further
3. No, we need to stop limiting traffic
4. I don’t know enough to have an opinion
5. This doesn’t matter to me

Question 6
Aside from increased and improved transit services, how would you improve the operation of our transportation system? (Select up to three)
1. Expand paid parking
2. Traffic light timing and coordination
3. Car-share (a group using a pool of shared cars)
4. Financial incentives to businesses or individuals to encourage alternative transportation
5. Allow High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) to use new bus lanes
6. Additional or expanded Park and Rides
7. Increased carpooling or vanpooling

Question 7
In terms of parking, which scenario would you prefer? (Select one)
1. Parking should be limited in town with mass transit being the main option for getting into and around town.
2. There should be more parking available in town.